Have you ever thought about the connection between happiness and good health?
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Jan 31, 2013
How many times you should eat fish per week !
Two to three times a week, because fish is lean meat, healthy for your brain and has plenty of protein... Plus it tastes good.
Jan 30, 2013
lets JAM
Fruit are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories and have absolutely no cholesterol and are an important source of many vital nutrients, including dietary fiber, vitamin C, folate (frolic acid) and potassium.
So, according to all the medical experts and scientists, in what ways can gourmet fruit jams, jellies and preserves help make our bodies healthier and our lives more energized and satisfying?
Here is a partial list of the results.
These natural fiber and essential, life sustaining vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients that we ingest by eating high quality, low sugar, gourmet fruit jelly, jam and preserves can help to :
Stabilize, attain and maintain optimal weight control
Provide energy and endurance during stress and exercise.
Reduce risk of stroke, heart attack and all other potential cardiovascular diseases.
Reduce the chance of and developing various cancers and possibly help to cure current cancers, particularly mouth, stomach, and colon-rectum cancer.
Lower our blood pressure.
Improve the health of hair, skin and finger nails.
Reduce the risk of kidney stones.
Decrease bone loss.
Satiate hunger, helping us to eat less and be satisfied, without cravings.
Lower bad cholesterol
Reduce one’s chance of developing type 2 diabetes
Slow down the aging process.
Reduce constipation and diverticulosis.
Promote healthy growth and repair of all body tissues.
Heal cuts and wounds
Keep teeth and gums healthy.
Help the body form red blood cells
In pregnant women, reduce risk of neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development.
Pretty impressive for something I would probably still eat once in a while if it were actually bad for me, but now that I know how good it is for me … eat on!
How much makeup is too much makeup?
should be based on where you are going and what look you are trying to
achieve. Generally a day time look consists of light foundation and/or
powder, a bit of concealer, eyeliner and mascara, and a lip-tone
lipstick or gloss. A day look should reflect your natural features and
look as if you aren't wearing makeup at all. An evening look is all about the drama! Bolder on the eyes and lips but again shouldn't be too far from your natural.
Makeup can also cause acne. You'll usually be fine if you're diligent about removing your makeup at the end of the day and immediately after exercise. However, certain oils in many cosmetics can cause or worsen acne.To help avoid these reactions, look for makeup products that are fragrance- and oil-free -- these ingredients are typically the most irritating to the skin.
Remember MAKE yourself UP for your husband ONLY !
Makeup can also cause acne. You'll usually be fine if you're diligent about removing your makeup at the end of the day and immediately after exercise. However, certain oils in many cosmetics can cause or worsen acne.To help avoid these reactions, look for makeup products that are fragrance- and oil-free -- these ingredients are typically the most irritating to the skin.
Remember MAKE yourself UP for your husband ONLY !
Jan 29, 2013
12 Tips for Strong and Healthy Nails
1. To keep your nails hydrated, rub a small amount
of petroleum jelly into your cuticle and the skin surrounding your nails
every evening before you go to bed or whenever your nails feel dry.
2. Wear rubber gloves whenever you do housework or wash dishes. Most household chores, from gardening to scrubbing the bathroom to washing dishes, are murderous on your nails.
3. Dry your hands for at least two minutes after doing the dishes, taking a bath/shower, etc. Also dry your toes thoroughly after swimming or showering. Leaving them damp increases your risk of fungal infection.
4. Air out your work boots and athletic shoes. Better yet, keep two pairs and switch between them so you’re never putting your feet into damp, sweaty shoes, which could lead to fungal infections.
5. Wear 100 percent cotton socks. They’re best for absorbing dampness, thus preventing fungal infections.
6. Add a glass of milk and a hard-boiled egg to your daily diet. Rich in zinc, they’ll do wonders for your nails, especially if your nails are spotted with white, a sign of low zinc intake.
7. Make your nails as strong as a horse’s hooves, and take 300 micrograms of the B vitamin biotin four to six times a day.
8. When pushing back your cuticles (it is not necessary to cut them) come in at a 45-degree angle and be very gentle.
9. Trim your toenails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails. This is particularly important if you have diabetes.
10. File your nails correctly. To keep your nails at their strongest, avoid filing in a back-and-forth motion—only go in one direction. And never file just after you’ve gotten out of a shower or bath—wet nails break more easily.
11. Massage your nails to keep them extra strong and shiny.
12. Avoid polish removers with acetone or formaldehyde. They’re terribly drying to nails.
2. Wear rubber gloves whenever you do housework or wash dishes. Most household chores, from gardening to scrubbing the bathroom to washing dishes, are murderous on your nails.
3. Dry your hands for at least two minutes after doing the dishes, taking a bath/shower, etc. Also dry your toes thoroughly after swimming or showering. Leaving them damp increases your risk of fungal infection.
4. Air out your work boots and athletic shoes. Better yet, keep two pairs and switch between them so you’re never putting your feet into damp, sweaty shoes, which could lead to fungal infections.
5. Wear 100 percent cotton socks. They’re best for absorbing dampness, thus preventing fungal infections.
6. Add a glass of milk and a hard-boiled egg to your daily diet. Rich in zinc, they’ll do wonders for your nails, especially if your nails are spotted with white, a sign of low zinc intake.
7. Make your nails as strong as a horse’s hooves, and take 300 micrograms of the B vitamin biotin four to six times a day.
8. When pushing back your cuticles (it is not necessary to cut them) come in at a 45-degree angle and be very gentle.
9. Trim your toenails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails. This is particularly important if you have diabetes.
10. File your nails correctly. To keep your nails at their strongest, avoid filing in a back-and-forth motion—only go in one direction. And never file just after you’ve gotten out of a shower or bath—wet nails break more easily.
11. Massage your nails to keep them extra strong and shiny.
12. Avoid polish removers with acetone or formaldehyde. They’re terribly drying to nails.
Jan 28, 2013
The Top 6 Calorie-Burning Workouts
1. Kickboxing: 800 calories per hour
Kickboxing offers a great full-body workout because it requires you to use every major muscle group and includes interval training. Your heart rate will soar and stabilize several times throughout the class, which is optimal for weight loss. 24 Hour Fitness clubs report that attendees of their Turbo Kick classes can burn up to 800 calories in one hour-long class.
2. Biking: 700 calories per hour
You can burn up to 700 calories at your average cycling class or take to the road on your own to enjoy fresh air to boot! Just make sure you keep a pace of about 14 to 16 miles per hour to reach the 700-calorie goal.
3. Zumba: 500 or more calories per hour
Who knew an hour of dancing could produce such results?! Because this Latin-inspired dance workout uses the principles of interval training and resistance exercise, the workout will boost your metabolism considerably, according to FitnessZumba.com. However, like any fitness regimen, the number of calories burned varies from person to person depending on weight, sex, current fitness level, and how a hard a person works out. Still the massive weight loss and toning benefits of hip-swishing and shimmying make this dance workout one of the most popular today.
4. Jumping Rope: 780 calories per hour
Only got ten minutes? You can still squeeze in cardio with this highly effective activity, which can have you burning 130 calories every ten minutes (or 780 calories per hour). According to MedicineNet.com, you'd have to run an eight-minute mile to burn as many calories as jumping rope for the same amount of time, making it a good choice for someone who is starting a fitness regime and may not have the endurance to maintain a fast running speed for an extended period of time. If you have limited space and time, jumping rope is the most efficient way to see results. In addition, the high-impact nature of this workout means you'll add bone mass, increasing your bone health, according to 24 Hour Fitness Club's Website and BoneHealth.com, while you lose fat.
5. Aerobic Step Classes: 600 calories per hour
Aerobic step classes are high-intensity and high-impact, meaning you'll burn fat and calories. The number of calories burned depends on how high the step is, but using just a six-inch platform can allow you to burn up to 600 calories in one hour-long class.
6. Running: 650 calories per hour
According to WebMD's calorie calculator, a 145-pound person who maintains a 10-minute mile for one hour can burn up to 650 calories. However, running consistently for an hour can be challenging if it isn't a part of your current exercise regimen. You can work up to this goal and increase your cardiovascular fitness by adding walking intervals throughout your workout. For instance, run for three minutes and then walk briskly for one minute. This practice will increase your endurance, lower your heart-rate recovery time, and burn fat.
Kickboxing offers a great full-body workout because it requires you to use every major muscle group and includes interval training. Your heart rate will soar and stabilize several times throughout the class, which is optimal for weight loss. 24 Hour Fitness clubs report that attendees of their Turbo Kick classes can burn up to 800 calories in one hour-long class.
2. Biking: 700 calories per hour
You can burn up to 700 calories at your average cycling class or take to the road on your own to enjoy fresh air to boot! Just make sure you keep a pace of about 14 to 16 miles per hour to reach the 700-calorie goal.
3. Zumba: 500 or more calories per hour
Who knew an hour of dancing could produce such results?! Because this Latin-inspired dance workout uses the principles of interval training and resistance exercise, the workout will boost your metabolism considerably, according to FitnessZumba.com. However, like any fitness regimen, the number of calories burned varies from person to person depending on weight, sex, current fitness level, and how a hard a person works out. Still the massive weight loss and toning benefits of hip-swishing and shimmying make this dance workout one of the most popular today.
4. Jumping Rope: 780 calories per hour
Only got ten minutes? You can still squeeze in cardio with this highly effective activity, which can have you burning 130 calories every ten minutes (or 780 calories per hour). According to MedicineNet.com, you'd have to run an eight-minute mile to burn as many calories as jumping rope for the same amount of time, making it a good choice for someone who is starting a fitness regime and may not have the endurance to maintain a fast running speed for an extended period of time. If you have limited space and time, jumping rope is the most efficient way to see results. In addition, the high-impact nature of this workout means you'll add bone mass, increasing your bone health, according to 24 Hour Fitness Club's Website and BoneHealth.com, while you lose fat.
5. Aerobic Step Classes: 600 calories per hour
Aerobic step classes are high-intensity and high-impact, meaning you'll burn fat and calories. The number of calories burned depends on how high the step is, but using just a six-inch platform can allow you to burn up to 600 calories in one hour-long class.
6. Running: 650 calories per hour
According to WebMD's calorie calculator, a 145-pound person who maintains a 10-minute mile for one hour can burn up to 650 calories. However, running consistently for an hour can be challenging if it isn't a part of your current exercise regimen. You can work up to this goal and increase your cardiovascular fitness by adding walking intervals throughout your workout. For instance, run for three minutes and then walk briskly for one minute. This practice will increase your endurance, lower your heart-rate recovery time, and burn fat.
Jan 27, 2013
6 Foods That Will Make You Smarter
- Blueberries: Good for memory
- Kale: Combats the effects of aging
- Beets: Rich in Vitamin B, which helps the brain process information
- Apples: Improves sensory perception attention
- Cayenne peppers: Compounds that release calming endorphins may help with stress during exams
- Anchovies: High levels of Omega-3 fatty acids protect the brain from aging and memory loss
Jan 26, 2013
Jan 25, 2013
Jan 24, 2013
Is soy sauce healthy or no in general ?
Soy sauce can be bad for your health if you have some conditions such as hypertension, congestive heart failure or certain kidney problems. Salty foods are a very big problem there.
Like anything, it should be used in moderation.
Jan 22, 2013
Why exercise makes us feel good ... go OUTdoors !

Anyone with any sort of fitness routine recognizes the feelings of a natural high.
Exercise anywhere is a good thing but exercise in natural environments has a greater benefit for mental health. Woodlands and parks seemed to have the greatest effect,
Activities in natural environments such as parks and forests in particular have a positive effect on stress, mood and fatigue,But the study, published in the journal
Social Science And Medicine, showed that exercising in 'non-natural
environments' such as gyms was not so good at protecting against poor
mental health.
How many calories in knafeh cheese lebanese !
Calorie breakdown: 45% fat, 45% carbs, 10% protein.
Jan 20, 2013
The Nutrition of Fruit Cocktail
The calories in a can of fruit cocktail varies with the size. A small can typically ranges between 40 to 60 calories per serving. If it's a light brand, then the calories are a lot lower. Larger cans range between 76 to 260 calories. The difference in calories depends on whether or not the fruit is canned in water, syrup or juice. Water and juice are healthier and better for you. Syrup may be light or heavy and changes the calorie content drastically. It has a great deal of sugar, corn starches and preservatives that change the dietary content. It's suggested to eat this brand in moderation or not at all.
Is chinese food healthy !
That plate of chinese food probably had double the daily sodium allowance and close to 1500 calories. Everything is fried (egg roll, noodles) and covered in heart-attack-ready sauce. You're better off eating a sandwich from home. Mcdonalds would be better than chinese food, if you only at big mac/quarter pounder with no fries and no soda.
How hot are you bad dogs !
The worst thing in hot dogs are the ingredients high fructose corn syrup, sodium nitrate, and sodium nitrite. The second two are more common than the first, but all should be avoided. The last two are cancer-causing and found in most cooked and processed meats.
Jan 18, 2013
Watermelon undercover benefits
is the perfect summer treat, offering a tasty way to beat the heat and
quench your thirst. Thankfully, summer is the season for watermelon.
Though you can find it in markets throughout the year, summer is the
time when you will get the freshest pick. Despite being a sweet and much
loved fruit, it is full of nutrients. Eating watermelon will give you a
boost to your health while tantalizing your taste buds.
Vitamin C
One cup of watermelon offers 25 percent of your daily need of vitamin C. This vitamin helps to boost the immune system and works as an antioxidant in the body.
Watermelon is known to be full of antioxidants, and one of these is lycopene, a carotenoid. It is known to be a powerful combatant of a number of different types of cancer.
Eating watermelon offers a temporary boost of natural energy. This is because it is a good source of a number of B vitamins, which affect the energy level of a person.
The lycopene and the vitamin A found in watermelon can help protect vision. it does this by preventing macular degeneration and a number of other health problems.
Blood Pressure
One of the other nutrients in watermelon is an amino acid called arganine. This helps to lower blood pressure, as well as contribute to overall general health.
Jan 15, 2013
Should I take protein shakes on days that I don't work out?
Yes that's right muscle growth takes place when you rest not when you workout, so protein when you rest is just as important as on the day you workout, personally i have 3 protein shakes a day, 2 of those are 1 scoop and my post workout is 2 scoops so 4 servings total, and on the days off i have 3 single servings spread throughout the day.
You've got it right with the 2 scoops after a workout though as its important to take advantage of that window when your muscles are drained and a big 40g serving of protein is ideal.
Can You Get Ripped by Doing Push Ups?
Logic says the push-up won't build strength unless you're kind of weak to begin with. Its benefits lie elsewhere. "If you do push-ups correctly, you develop your scapular muscles and your rotator-cuff muscles to stabilize your shoulders. If you do bench presses instead of push-ups, you don't have to use those muscles as much," says Michael Clark, C.S.C.S., a physical therapist and president of the National Academy of Sports Medicine. In other words, push-ups not only build up the facade in front of your physique, but also develop the support system behind those muscles, too.
Here's why that's important: In every physical action, some muscles act as the engine and some act as the brakes. If the brakes aren't strong and durable enough to counterbalance the engine, you've got an injury waiting to happen. When a guy comes up with a chronically sore shoulder from bench pressing, for example, the problem is usually that the chest and shoulder muscles are too strong relative to the muscles behind them.
So it makes sense that push-ups help improve muscular balance, which is important for developing serious strength. And with strength comes muscle size.
Jan 13, 2013
Can you lose weight without exercise?
You can still lose weight, but it will be very gradual. Never take in less than 1500 calories/day if you have a normal activity level, and try to do some heavier exercise. Instead of just walking, try running, or at least power/speed walking. You could also bike, or any other cardio activity, and it would help a lot. If you can keep your heart rate between 120-150 for at least half an hour at a time every day, you should start losing weight more rapidly.
The Healthiest Cheese List
1.) Cottage cheese: Cottage cheese, an unpressed cheese curd has one of the lowest saturated fat content of all cheeses. Look for varieties with lower salt content as some have high sodium levels.
2.) Quark: Quark is another form of unpressed cheese curd that generally has a lower salt content than normal cottage cheese and is now widely available in supermarkets.
3.) Ricotta: Ricotta is generally considered to be one of the healthiest cheeses as it has a low fat content.
4.) Parmegiano Reggiano: Parmegiano Reggiano is a high quality Parmesan cheese that has had to pass stringent tests to qualify it for the official Consorzio mark. It has a lower fat content than many cheeses due to the processes used in its production.
5.) Feta cheese: Feta cheese is made from either goat’s milk or sheep milk and is therefore one of the healthier alternatives.
6.) Halloumi: Halloumi is another goat’s or sheep milk cheese that originated in Cyprus. Do check labels as some modern manufacturers make this cheese with cow’s milk therefore regulating it out of the healthiest category.
Many of the well known cheeses such as Brie and Mozzarella come in low fat or even fat-free varieties although many consumers complain that these really have little of the taste and texture of their full-fat varieties.
Jan 12, 2013
Jan 11, 2013
Top 10 Indoor Exercise Ideas for Winter
1. Jumping Jacks are a nice way to warm up for a good workout. If you're in good shape, do about 50 straight jumping jacks. If you're not in the best of shape, start slow. Maybe 20 or less. Break your jumping jacks down into sets if necessary.
2. Workout at home. Start a home workout regimen consisting of exercises like leg squats, push-ups, crunches, and leg raises. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions. You can add additional exercises, reps or sets, as your exercise tolerance increases.
3. Exercise DVD's like Billy Blank's Tae Bo series can help give your body a total workout. The Tae Bo workout combines strength training, cardio, and kickboxing. You can purchase Tae Bo DVD's at Sports Authority or on websites like Amazon.com. The best thing about exercise DVD's is that you can workout around your own schedule.
4. Give Pilates a try. You can buy a number of different pilates workout DVD's from Amazon.com. Consider the Pilates workout by Denise Austin as a possible option.
5. Martial Arts is a great way to add flexibility and dexterity. Consider tai chi, kickboxing, and taekwondo as possible options. If you don't practice martial arts, you may be able to get lessons at your gym, local YMCA or from a private instructor.
6. Dance to the music. Dancing is great cardio exercise, and henceforth a great way to burn calories. Put your favorite tunes on, and dance the night away. If you're not much of a dancer, try salsa lessons, or another style of dance that has your interest.
7. Play a Game. Try the Wii Fit or the Wii Fit Plus. The Wii Fit is designed to help you get fit using aerobic and strength training. You can play a friendly game of twister with family and friends. Twister requires you to bend and stretch your body into a number of difficult positions.
8. Walk your home stairs. If you have stairs in your home, walk them often. If you don't have stairs in your home, you can stay active by walking throughout your house. It may seem silly, but the more your body stays in motion, the easier it is to burn calories.
9. Clean up. Cleaning up your home involves a good deal of physical labor. Sweeping, mopping, and dusting burns fat. If you want to add more "burn" to your cleaning, increase the speed of your movements.
10. Yoga is a great way to get in shape physically and spiritually. If you aren't familiar with Yoga you may purchase books and DVD's from websites like Amazon.com. Consider taking a Yoga class with a private instructor.
Jan 9, 2013
10 Foods for Better Memory
1) Green Tea
Several studies have found that drinking green tea helped improve cognitive function. This doesn’t mean more is better — go for one (or two) cups of tea at most per day.
3) Blueberries
Numerous studies have linked blueberries to improved memory and cognitive function. Studies on lab rats have shown that a certain plant compound found in blueberries called anthocyanins helps reverse some of the age-related memory loss.
4) Fortified Whole Grain Cereal
Fortified whole grain cereals contain folic acid, a B-vitamin that’s been linked in several studies to improved memory. Not sure if your cereal contains folic acid? Check the label. Other good sources: lentils, grapefruit, spinach and oatmeal.
5) Cruciferous Vegetables
The antioxidants found in cruciferous veggies like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and collard greens helped women in a 25-year study conducted at Harvard Medical School to retain memory function.
6) Coffee
Research has shown that a cup of joe helps you think more clearly. Stick to plain, brewed coffee with 1-percent or nonfat milk and forgo the fancy, high-calorie varieties.
7) Salmon
Omega-3 fats found in fatty fish like salmon and tuna have been found to directly affect memory. A study conducted at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that folks who ate the fish at least once a week had a 10 percent slower decline in memory than those without salmon in their diet.
8) Gum
A study conducted at Northwestern University found that gum chewing resulted in increased blood flow to the brain and improved cognitive performance.
9) Chocolate
As if we needed another excuse to eat chocolate, research shows that the flavanols found in cocoa also increase the blood flow to the brain and improve cognitive function. Stick to one ounce of dark chocolate at most per day (the dark varieties have more flavanols.)
10) Turmeric
Add some spice to your life! A study found that folks who reported consuming turmeric from occasionally to very often performed better on memory tests. Turmeric gives curry powder its yellow color and contains inflammation-fighting antioxidants. It tastes great in these chicken lettuce cups.
The 8 Healthiest Fruits You Should Be Eating
Blueberries, oranges, baBnanas, apples, kiwis, grapes, strawberries, and
papayas -- take your pick and take a bite, because these fruits are
superfoods for your health.
Top 6 Foods That Keep You Warm
6: Hot Drinks
It might seem a little too simple, but you can sometimes overlook the obvious answers. Holding the mug is warming enough, but the hot liquid into your system gives you instant internal warmth. Tea, apple cider or hot carob/cocoa are my favorites.5: Soups And Stews
When the temperature dips, it's time to shift from salads to soups. It's still a good idea to get some raw foods, but have them in the afternoon when your body is at its warmest.In the evening, a hearty soup or stew with lots of well-cooked root vegetables and spices will warm you up right to your frozen toes.
4: Whole Grains
Eaten hot, whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats, barley, buckwheat, millet, etc) give you instant warmth along with complex carbohydrates to give your body the energy and fuel it needs to keep warm.Whole grains are also a good source of B vitamins and magnesium, and have some selenium as well. These nutrients are important to the function of your thyroid and adrenal glands. The glands help regulate body temperature, and tend to slow down in colder weather.
For people with severely underactive thyroid function, taking a high-quality iodine supplement can make a dramatic difference in body temperature. Before taking an individual supplement like that though, you should do a consultation with a nutritionist or naturopathic doctor. Iodine in particular can cause problems if you take too much.
3: Cinnamon
Cinnamon, and other spices, boost your metabolism which generates body heat. Include more spices in your meals, even just a little bit sprinkled on top. Cumin, coriander, turmeric, cloves, paprika, pepper, nutmeg and allspice are other good ones to incorporate as well.Just make sure you don't get things too spicy. The hottest spices - like cayenne - will make you sweat and actually release heat from your body. That's why they eat the spiciest foods in the hottest climates.
2: Coconut Oil
Fats in general can help keep you warm as they metabolize, and aside from eating it, coconut oil is also really useful as a moisturizer. Dry, cracked skin lets heat escape more easily and is more sensitive to cold - especially when it's windy.If you keep your skin healthy and strong, it'll be better at keeping the heat in. Before heading out into the cold, try rubbing some coconut oil on your legs, arms and face. You only need a little bit, and I tend to wipe my face lightly with a towel to get the excess oil off.
1: Ginger
Fresh or ground ginger is my favorite food to warm you up. Try using it in porridge, salad dressings, soups, cookies or muffins. One of my favorite ways to enjoy ginger is to put thin slices or grate some of the fresh root into a mug of hot water.Not only does it help warm you up, but it boosts your digestive and immune systems to keep you nourished and strong in the face of winter bugs.
Have any used any of these foods that keep you warm this winter? Let me know below.
Jan 8, 2013
Fuel your body
Jan 7, 2013
ABS are made in the kitchen
If you're eager to reveal your abs to the world but can’t seem to shed that last bit of belly fat, your best strategy is to pay closer attention to your diet. What kinds of foods should you be eating? Regardless of your goal, the foundation of your diet should always be fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources, and a blend of dietary fats. When you're actively trying to lose fat, focus on the type of carbohydrates you're eating aim for more green, fibrous carbohydrates such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, asparagus, bok choy, and collard greens. These are all cruciferous vegetables and are in the running for the healthiest foods in the world.
Jan 5, 2013
The 4 Simple Steps
So how do we solve those problems? Keep it simple. Here are the 4 simple steps to start the exercise habit (and keep it going). I should note that you can use these 4 steps to start any habit.
- Set one easy, specific, measurable goal. There are several keys to setting this crucial goal:
- Written: Write this down. Post it up. If you don’t write it down, it’s not important.
- Easy: Don’t — DO NOT — set a difficult goal. Set one that is super, super easy. Five minutes of exercise a day. You can do that. Work your way to 10 minutes after a month. Then go to 15 after 2 months. You can see what I mean: make it easy to start with, so you can build your habit, then gradually increase.
- Specific: By specific, I mean what activity are you going to do, at what time of day, and where? Don’t just say “exercise” or “I’m going to walk”. You have to set a time and place. Make it an appointment you can’t miss.
- Trigger: I recommend that you have a “trigger” right before you do your habit. For example, you might always brush your teeth right after you shower. The shower is the trigger for brushing your teeth, and because of that, you never forget to brush your teeth. Well, what will you do right before you exercise? Is it right after you wake up? Right after your coffee? Right when you get home? As soon as you take off for lunch? A trigger that you do every single day is important.
- Measurable: By measurable, I mean that you should be able to say, definitely, whether you hit or miss your goal today. Examples: run for 10 minutes. Walk 1/2 a mile. Do 3 sets of 5 pushups. Each of those has a number that you can shoot for.
- One goal: Stick to this one goal for at least a month. Two months if you can bear it. Don’t start up a second goal during that 30-day period. If you do, you are scrapping this goal.
Jan 2, 2013
Your 3rd Resolution :Rationalize your workouts
Finding the time to get to the gym can be very difficult. However a 1/2
hour workout is only 2% of your day (assuming 24 hour days). For me,
the most motivating thought was comparing my workouts to sitcoms. As a
huge Everybody Loves Raymond fan, every time I would sit down to watch
an episode, I would remind myself that in the 1/2 hour that I was
sitting and doing nothing, I could complete my daily workout.
Your 2nd Resolution :Don’t sacrifice your life for your diet
On occasion, you will find yourself unable to eat healthy. Whether this is because of lunches with your team at work, birthdays, or special occasions, there will be events that you just can’t (or don’t want to) eat healthy. A diet will feel overwhelming if you have to sacrifice special events in your life. The way I combated this was to exchange a day that I was not going to diet on the weekend. In other words, if I didn’t diet on Tuesday, for example, I would diet on Saturday, instead.
Your 1st Resolution :Wake up to water
Imagine not drinking all day at work no coffee, no water, no diet soda. At the end of an 8-hour shift, you'd be pretty parched. Which is precisely why you should start re hydrating immediately after a full night's slumber. From now on, drink at least 16 ounces of chilled H2O as soon as you rise in the morning. German scientists recently found that doing this boosts metabolism by 24 percent for 90 minutes afterward. (A smaller amount of water had no effect.) What's more, a previous study determined that muscle cells grow faster when they're well hydrated. A general rule of thumb: Guzzle at least a gallon of water over the course of a day.
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