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Jul 31, 2013
What is a healthy diet?

Jul 7, 2013
How to lose weight and get toned?
You want to weight train each muscle group once a week ( 45 mins/session )
You want to Cardio exercise ( 30 mins/session )
How Often Should I Work Out/Lift Weights?
According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), your clients should exercise 20 to 60 minutes, three to five days a week for health/fitness promotion . Exercising only three days a week may be enough for previously sedentary clients to improve their fitness, but it will take more exercise to see further improvements. Improvements in aerobic power (VO2 max), cholesterol levels, body composition and cardiovascular health are all augmented the more often you exercise . However, it is important that your clients do not progress too soon or exercise excessively, since both these behaviors can lead to overuse injuries.
How Do I Get Rid of These Flabby Arms?
One of the biggest exercise myths is that you can lose fat in an area of the body by strength training or exercising that specific body part. The truth is that “spot reducing” and “spot toning” do not work, because we cannot dictate from where our bodies will decide to oxidize fat, nor can we change fat into muscle. Doing triceps press-downs will not decrease the amount of fat clients have on the backs of their arms any more than doing crunches will decrease the amount of fat clients have on their stomachs.
As your clients age, their skin will become less elastic and thus conform less to their arms. So “flabby arms” are somewhat a product of age. Any exercise that decreases body fat percentage will help your clients lose fat on their arms, just as it will help them lose fat from other areas of the body.
Why Are My Muscles Sore After a Workout?
Soreness results from high force production when an exercise is new or a load is greater than normal. Soreness typically increases in intensity during the first 24 hours postexercise, peaks in the next 48 hours, then subsides within five to seven days after the workout.
What Is the Difference Between Weight Machines and Free Weights?
Movements using free weights occur in a three-dimensional plane, while most weight machines allow movement only in a single plane. With machines, the movement is guided, so only the major muscles required to perform the movement are used. With free weights, the added task of balancing the weights in the three-dimensional plane recruits other functional muscles that machines do not recruit.
People new to weight lifting should probably begin with machines to train the major muscles, and then use free weights to train more specific movements.
Do I Need to Take Dietary Supplements?
You do not need dietary supplements unless you have a documented vitamin deficiency or they do not eat a balanced diet. Using supplements as an alternative to a sound diet can lead to serious deficits in the consumption of other nutrients . It is always healthier to acquire vitamins and minerals from food than to obtain them from a pill.
Should I Do Cardio First or Weight Training First?
If the primary goal is to increase aerobic endurance or lose weight, then you should perform cardiovascular exercise first. If the primary goal is to increase muscular strength, then you should perform strength training first. Basically, in order to get the most out of the workout, the client should perform the most important type of exercise when he or she is not fatigued. Because many people want to lose weight and increase muscular strength, alternating the order of the workout during different cycles of training is one way to satisfy both goals.
How Do I Get a Flat Stomach?

If I Lift Weights, Will I Get Bigger Muscles?
Whether or not you will get bigger muscles (hypertrophy) depends on three basic factors: genetics, gender and training intensity. Genetics is mostly manifested as muscle fiber type; people with predominantly fast-twitch fibers acquire larger muscles more easily than people with predominantly slow-twitch fibers. In relation to gender, males acquire larger muscles than females do, because males have greater amounts of testosterone and other sex hormones that influence protein metabolism. Thus, females experience less muscle hypertrophy with strength improvement than males do . Training intensity is the only factor you can control.
What Is the Best Way to Lose Fat?
Each person will respond differently to a training program. Both strength training and endurance exercise have been shown to decrease body fat percentage. However, aerobic exercise appears to have a greater impact on fat loss than does strength training . A combination of endurance and strength training results in more fat loss than either exercise regimen alone , possibly because clients who perform both activities spend more time exercising.
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