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Feb 25, 2012

Chest Exercise for women

1-Incline Press

Start- Begin by laying on an incline bench. Place your feet and knees so that you are most comfortable. Allow your head to lay back on the bench. This will support your spine and neck. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Palms facing away from you.Go For It- Lift the dumbbells up to the sky by extending your arms up. Don’t lock your elbows. Pause here for one second and slowly lower the weight back to start.
Tips and Techniques-Exhale as you lift the weights to the sky. Inhale as you lower back to the start of this chest exercise.Use only your chest and arm muscles to lift the weight. No momentum.

2-Decline Chest Press

Start- Being by laying on a decline bench. Place your feet and knees so that you are most comfortable. Allow your head to lay back on the bench. This will support your spine and neck. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Palms facing away from you.
Go For It- Lift the dumbbells up to the sky by extending your arms up. Don’t lock your elbows. Pause here for one second and slowly lower the weight back to the start of the chest exercise.Tips and Techniques-Exhale as you lift the weights to the sky. Inhale as you lower back to start.Use only your chest and arm muscles to lift the weight. No momentum.Try to keep your lower back pressed against the bench.

3-Incline Chest Fly

Start- Being by laying on an incline bench. Place your feet and knees so that you are most comfortable. Allow your head to lay back on the bench. This will support your spine and neck. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Palms are facing each other.
Go For It- Lift the dumbbells up to the sky by extending your arms up. Don’t lock your elbows. Pause here for one second and slowly lower the weight back to start.
Tips and Techniques-Exhale as you lift the weights to the sky. Inhale as you lower back to the start of this chest exercise.Use only your chest and arm muscles to lift the weight. No momentum.Try to keep your lower back pressed against the bench.

4-Decline Chest Fly

Start- Begin by laying on a decline bench. Place your feet and knees so that you are most comfortable. Allow your head to lay back on the bench. This will support your spine and neck. Hold a dumbbell in each hand.Go For It- Lift the dumbbells up to the sky by extending your arms up. Don’t lock your elbows.Pause here for one second and slowly lower the weight back to the start of the chest exercise.Tips and Techniques-Exhale as you lift the weights to the sky. Inhale as you lower back to the start of the chest exercise.Use only your chest and arm muscles to lift the weight. No momentum.

5-Push Up

Start- Begin in the upper push up position. Your feet are together and your hands are directly under your shoulders. Your back is flat and you are looking at the ground.Go For It- Slowly begin lowering yourself to the ground. Allow your elbows to bend, but keep your back flat and strong. Pause just above the ground and then begin lifting yourself back to start.Tips and Techniques-Inhale as your lower your body weight to the floor. Exhale as your lift back up to start.

6-Knee Push Ups

Start- Begin on all fours. Your knees should be directly under your hips and your hands directly under your shoulders. You should be looking at the floor.Go For It- Slowly lower your upper body towards the ground. Try to touch your nose to the floor. Pause for one second and lift back to start.Tips and Techniques-Inhale as you lower your body weight. Exhale as your lift your body back to the start of the chest exercise.If your wrists bother you, move them more forward.Keep your back flat at all times.

7-Pull Overs

Start- Lay down on a stability ball. Your upper body is supported by the ball. Knees are separated hip width apart and your feet are directly under your knees. Hold a dumbbell between your thumb and forefinger. Extend your arms straight above your face.Go For It- Keeping your arms straight, allow the dumbbell to lower behind your head. Pause for one second and bring the free weight back above your face (starting position).Tips and Techniques-Inhale as you lower the weight behind the head. Exhale as you lift it above your face.Keep your lower back relaxed and try to focus on using only your chest muscles.

8-Ball Chest Press

Start- Begin by sitting on a stability ball. Gently roll down until you can relax your head on the ball. Place your ankles directly under your knees, and lift your hips up to the sky. Hold a dumbbell in each hand.Go For It- Lift the dumbbells up to the sky by extending your arms up. Don’t lock your elbows. Pause here for one second and slowly lower the weight back to the start of this chest exercise.Tips and Techniques-Exhale as you lift the weights up. Inhale as you lower back to start.Use only your chest and arm muscles to lift the weight. No momentum.

9-Ball Chest Fly

Start- Begin by sitting on a stability ball. Gently roll down until you can relax your head on the ball. Place your ankles directly under your knees, and lift your hips up to the sky. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other.
Go For It- Begin to lift the dumbbells up over the ribcage, palms facing each other. Pause for a second, lower back to start.Tips and Techniques-Exhale as you lift the weights up. Inhale as you lower back to start.Use only your chest and arm muscles to lift the weight. No momentum.Try to keep your hips lifted throughout the chest exercise.Think of this as giving someone a big bear hug. As you lift from the start position, it’s almost like a semi-circle motion. Be sure to keep your back flat at all times.If your wrists hurt, move them more forward. It increases the angle of the wrist.