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Mar 12, 2012

Muscle Soreness

What is Muscle Soreness?

We all know what it feels it when we have overexerted our bodies – the result comes in the form of sore, stiff and tired muscles. If you have begun a new exercise routine, lifted a heavy box or gone for a long walk, it is only natural that you will experience muscle soreness. Muscle soreness frequently occurs when you have engaged in an unusual level of physical activity and your muscles are not use to the strain.

What Causes Muscle Soreness?

When you push yourself physically, fibers in the muscles tear and as a result the body’s defense mechanism sends fluid into these areas – causing swelling The swelling triggers the pain, stiffness and soreness you feel. The body, however, repairs the injured muscle and it grows back stronger.

Help for Muscle Soreness

Treatment generally varies for different types of muscle soreness. For normal, post-workout muscle soreness, discomfort may be reduced by stretching the muscles and taking anti-inflammatories such ibuprofen or applying a heat gel. Muscles that are overexerted or strained need rest until range of motion is achieved.

If pain is severe, anti-flammatories may also be taken for relief but it best to consult a doctor. For pulled or torn muscles, ice the affected area immediately and consult a doctor. It is very important that when muscle soreness is experienced, exercising and any other physical activity is stopped. By continually using the damaged muscles, the healing time is slowed down. Remember never to apply heat to the affected as it increases the blood flow and swelling.

Natural remedies are a another highly effective treatment option for soothing, relieving and promoting faster healing of sore muscles. Herbal and aromatherapy treatments successfully reduces the need for prescription painkillers and anti-inflammatories while at the same time benefits overall health and wellbeing.

Aromatherapy oils such as Peppermint, Ginger and Pine essential oils have a wide variety of therapeutic uses and are excellent for musculo-skeletal conditions. Herbal and homeopathic ingredients such as Arnica, Filipendula almari, Magnesium phosphoricum and Symphytum officinale have powerful anti-inflammatory and tissue healing properties.