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Apr 28, 2012

How Much Water Should You Drink if You Consume Protein Powders

Protein powders are the preferred choice of muscle-building supplements for most bodybuilders and those who want to put on mass through exercise. These powders are made from whey, casein or soy and are mixed with milk or water to create a shake. You can use these protein powders to gain weight, as a food supplement and as a method to increase muscle mass, however, using them alone may cause some problems such as dehydration. It is therefore necessary to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and healthy while you are building muscles and increasing mass.

Importance of Protein
Building muscle mass depends on your intake of protein. Most protein comes from the foods you eat such as beef, chicken, legumes and dairy products; however to speed up muscle mass growth, you can add protein powders to your diet. Proteins are made up of 20 amino acids; however, only 12 of those amino acids are produced by your body. The other eight are introduced into your system by ingesting additional proteins. In addition to the protein foods you eat, protein powders provide some of those essential amino acids. Without an adequate amount of protein in your system, you won’t be able to make the proteins needed to create stronger and bigger muscles or support other essential functions in your body.
Protein powder
Athletes recovering from an injury often depend upon protein powder to assist them in rebuilding their muscles. Protein powder also aids in helping dieters and athletes maintain protein levels that may be depleted by too much exercise or not following a well-balanced diet plan. Too much protein powder may introduce heavy metals into your system, and can lead to health issues such as kidney problems, digestive issues and dehydration. Protein powders are mixed with liquids to help keep you hydrated. You need to include non-powdered proteins to maintain a healthy balance.