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Jul 1, 2012


t may not be the hippest class to attend at the gym, but there are still many reasons why I love myself a good step aerobics class. While I'd like to say it's because I can don a Jane Fonda-esque spandex leotard; it's actually much more than that. The once über-popular workout fad of the '80s and '90s still wins my vote for these following reasons:

  • When the instructor turns on the stereo system, there are bound to be powerfully motivating tunes (old and new) to get you through the jumping, lunging, and grapevining.
  • Many teachers include some sort of dance (merengue or salsa) into the mix. I love a workout that encourages me to shake my groove thang.
  • It's like riding a bicycle. Even if you haven't been to a step class in five years, you'll quickly remember how to do the "L" step or a hamstring curl.
  • Since I don't always have time for lengthy workouts, I appreciate that most step classes are under an hour.
  • The music may get my mind going, but the exercise certainly gives my body a run for its money. At the end of these classes, you can't tell whether I've taken a shower or desperately need to.
  • Want to see the rest of my reasons and add your own two cents?
  • As intense as the workout can be, you can also manage it to suit your needs. Add as many steps as you want to make it more intense or simply use the bench portion to make it a minimal effort. And many instructors show different ways to adapt the routine to suit your needs.
  • While the cardio workout is thorough, my muscles always show me their appreciation the following day. It's a sure way to tone your heart and limbs.
  • How many other classes let you say, "Sashay!"?
  • If you like a routine or enjoy choreography, step's got you covered. From the first "step" of the class, you can bet you'll be putting it all together at the end for a full "performance" of sorts.
  • More than anything, it's fun!