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Nov 4, 2012

Top Exercise Excuses and How to Beat Them

Exercise Excuse No. 1: "I Don't Have Time."
"How much television do you watch?
During your shows, use resistance bands, or walk in place. Or use Tivo so you can skip the commercials and see a one-hour show later in just 40 minutes, "That's 20 minutes right there." Better yet, turn off the TV and spend your newfound time working out.
If it's work that's sapping all your spare time, try exercising on the job. Close your office door and jump rope for 10 minutes, or walk in place.
Your exercise doesn't have to be a formal workout either. Try making small lifestyle changes that help you move more: take the stairs instead of the escalator, don't drive when you can walk, and get a pedometer and try to increase the number of steps you take throughout the day.
The U.S. Surgeon General recommends at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week, which may sound daunting, but actually works out to a little over 20 minutes each day. The good news is that three 10-minute exercise sessions work just about as well as one 30-minute one, and can be much easier to fit into your schedule.

Exercise Excuse No. 2: "I'm Too Tired."

It may sound counterintuitive, but working out actually gives you more energy .Once you get moving, your fatiguewill likely disappear.
"You're getting the endorphins [feel-good hormones in your body] to release,” "And you're getting the circulation going as opposed to coming home and crashing on the couch."
It may help to work out in the morning, before you get wiped out by a demanding workday.
But if you're just not a morning person, don't worry. Brunett, who likes to work out in the middle or end of the day herself, recommends doing it whenever you feel best.

Exercise Excuse No. 3: "I Always End up Quitting."

Set small, attainable goals. Then you're more likely to feel like a success, not a failure, says Brunett. If you exercise for five minutes a day for a week, you'll feel good -- and more likely to want to try 10 minutes a day the next week.
It also helps to keep a log and post it somewhere public -- even on Facebook. Craft calls it a "wall of encouragement." Friends and family can then say, "Hey, you did 15 minutes yesterday. Great job," she says. A log also helps you see if you're starting to fall off the wagon (or the treadmill).
Having an exercise buddy keeps you accountable as well, When you back out of a scheduled workout, you're letting down your buddy as well as yourself.
And look toward the future. It's harder to start exercising than to stick with it once you've got your momentum going,"I bet you after two weeks of this, you'll feel really good."