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Nov 25, 2012

10-Minute Workout: Hips, Hips, Away!

This express workout targets a favorite trouble zone: your hips. Do this 10-minute workout developed by Marcus Minier, exercise physiologist at The Gym in New York City, three times a week along with five days of cardio, and we guarantee that you'll have the slimmer hips you deserve in no time!

1. Standing Side Kick

Targets: Inner Thighs, Glutes, Quadriceps, Outer Hips
  • With feet hip-width apart and hands on hips, slowly extend right leg to the side at hip height in 3 full counts.
  • Be sure to keep inner thigh parallel to the floor.
  • Hold for 1 count, then take 3 counts to lower to floor.
  • Do 15 times, then switch sides.